
We will be updating LinkX when necessary to fix any bugs and add small features. These releases can be recognized by a change in the third digit of the software version number. For example a change from version 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 is a patch release. When these patches are released you should upgrade your installation with the new version. This document contains instructions for doing just that.


Patching your installation is very simple. All you need to do is upload the new files from the new version to your server. All of the files that need to be uploaded are listed below. You should not run any upgrade scripts when patching your installation, those are only used when upgrading from a previous major release.

The common.php and template.class.php scripts located in the includes directory of the TGPX distribution must be uploaded to your server in binary mode and not ASCII mode. All of the other .php files can be uploaded in either binary or ASCII mode.

Once those files have been transferred, point your browser to the patch.php script in the admin directory of your LinkX installation. Accessing this script through your browser will perform any updates to the MySQL database that are needed. Once you access the patch.php script and get a message indicating that the software has been patched successfully, login to the LinkX control panel.

In the LinkX control panel, access the General Settings interface. Depending on what features were added, there may be some new settings for you configure. Even if there are not any new settings, you will need to press the Save Settings button which will force the software to re-scan your server configuration and check all of your settings.

The final step in the control panel is to run the Recompile Templates and Clear Template Cache functions in the control panel. These are internal software functions that will update your directory page templates with any fixes or tweaks that have been made to the template system.

The software has now been updated and you can continue using it as you regularly would!

Important Notes

It is not necessary to delete any files from your server before you upload the updated scripts. If you do delete any files, make sure you reset all permissions on the files you upload. All file permissions are covered in the Installation section of the manual.