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The annotations feature of TGPX allows you to display a text string or an image overlayed onto the preview thumbnail. So, for example, you could have the word "Babes" written on all of the thumbnails in the Babes category that are picture galleries and a small movie icon displayed on thumbnails from galleries that are movie galleries.

Adding an Annotation

To add a new annotation, access the Settings > Manage Annotations function from the control panel menu. Near the top of the page in the header bar that reads "Manage Annotations" click on the icon. This will display a popup window where you will be able to enter the annotation settings that you want to use. Each of the form fields are described below. If you select a Text type annotation, the following additional fields will need to be filled in: If you select an Image type annotation, the following additional field will need to be filled in: Editing an Annotation

To edit an annotation you will first need to locate it through the Manage Annotations interface. When you locate the annotation you want to edit, click on the icon to bring up the annotation editing interface. This interface is nearly identical to the annotation creation interface, and has the same form fields with the same properties. You can make the changes that you want, and then press the Update Annotation button to save your changes.

Deleting an Annotation

To delete an annotation you will first need to locate it through the Manage Annotations interface. When you locate the annotation you want to delete, click on the icon, which will ask you to confirm the deletion.

You can also delete several annotations at once by putting a check in the box next to the annotations you want to delete, then pressing the Delete button at the bottom of the page.