If you are moving your installation to a new server or to a new domain on the same server, please follow the instructions in the Moving Your Installation portion of this manual.

Unless otherwise noted, you are licensed to install the software on a single domain. If you would like to install the software on more than one domain, you will need to purchase additional licenses. Additional licenses may be purchased though the main owners interface at a discounted rate.

Table of Contents

Before you begin the installation you should have the following information on hand:

- The name of the MySQL database which you will be using to store the data*
- The username which you use to access the MySQL database
- The password which you use to access the MySQL database

If you do not have this information, contact your server administrator to get it.

* This name is not something you can just make up. The database must be created by your server administrator in order for you to use it. If you don't know the name of a database which you are allowed to use, contact your server administrator to get that information or to have them create a database for you. Some servers offer control panels where you can create your own MySQL database. In that case you will need to have created the MySQL database before you continue.

Uploading Files

Now you are ready to begin uploading the files to your server, but you will need to extract the software archive if you haven't already done so. Be sure when you extract the archive (using your favorite zip or tar.gz file extractor) that you maintain the directory structure of the archive. In most extraction programs this is the default setting, but you should double check to make sure.

Once the archive has been extracted, simply upload all of the files and directories (except the utilities directory) from the TGPX distribution to your server into the directory where you want TGPX to run. TGPX must be installed in a sub-directory of your website, and will not run from the base directory of your site. This is to prevent any conflicts with other scripts. Note that you can still generate TGP pages in any directory of your website (including the base directory), you just cannot install the software itself in the base directory of your site.

The common.php script located in the includes directory of the TGPX distribution must be uploaded to your server in binary mode and not ASCII mode. All of the other .php files can be uploaded in either binary or ASCII mode.

After the files and directories have been uploaded to your server, you will need to manually create a few directories. In your TGPX installation directory create sub-directories with these names (if they do not already exist):
Inside the directory of your TGPX installation named templates create sub-directories with these names:
Assuming you installed TGPX into a directory named tgpx, the complete TGPX directory structure should look like this:

Setting Permissions

Next, you will need to set permissions on the directories and files that TGPX will be using. If you are not sure how to set permissions, consult the documentation for your FTP client and/or contact your server administrator for more information. Below is a table containing the permissions you will need to set on each directory or file. If you do not see a file or directory listed, it means you do not need to change the permissions on that file or directory

These are only the recommended file permissions, and may need to be altered depending on your server configuration.

Software Initialization

You are now ready to begin the web based portion of the setup. In your browser, type in the full URL to the install.php file on your server, which is located in the admin directory of your TGPX installation. So, for example, if you installed TGPX in a directory named tgpx, you would access the install.php script with the following URL:


The install.php script will run a few diagnostic tests to make sure your server has all of the required modules and that all of the permissions have been set correctly. If there are any problems, a page will be displayed that details them.

If all of the diagnostic tests pass, you will see a page where you will need to enter your MySQL database information. You can click on the icon to get a description of each of the MySQL settings. Once you have filled in all of the fields with your MySQL information, press the Submit button. The MySQL database information will be tested to make sure it is working. If it is not, you will get an error message indicating the problem and you will need to try again.

If the MySQL information is entered correctly, you will be brought to a page that will have the URL and login information for the control panel. Be sure to write down your control panel username and password before continuing to the next step!

Accessing the Control Panel

On the final screen of the install.php script you will find a link to the control panel. Click that link and enter the login information indicated on the final install.php screen. This will log you into the control panel so you can setup the software's options. The first time you login to the control panel, the General Settings window will pop-up. In this popup window you will be able to configure the various options that TGPX has available. You can click on the icon to get a description of each of the software options. After you have set all of the options how you want them, you can click on the Save Settings button located near the bottom.

You must save the software settings before you can access the other control panel functions. The general settings window will continue to popup until you correctly save your settings.

You are now ready to begin using the software. From here you should read the First Steps portion of the manual. That will instruct you on what to do before you begin adding new links.

Help Prevent Software Piracy

If you have uploaded the TGPX zip (or tar.gz) file to your server, remove it now. Leaving it on your server provides a chance for other users to steal it from your web space. Make sure you never leave a copy of the software archive where other people can access it.

Never share your software with anyone. The license you purchased is for your use only. You may not give or sell the software to anyone under any circumstances. If you are caught doing this, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Never share your owners lounge username or password with anyone. Again, that is for your use only. We will never ask for you to send your password to us, so if you ever get an e-mail requesting it you should not send it.

If you ever find a site that is offering our software for download, please contact us immediately so we can have the site shut down. Every time our software is pirated instead of purchased, it means less resources for us to continue the development of this and future software.