Table of Contents

With TGPX you can create custom rejection e-mail messages that will be sent to gallery submitters or partner account requests that you have rejected. For each gallery or partner that you reject, you will be able to select which custom rejection e-mail you want to send. This document will provide information on creating and maintaining rejection e-mails.

Viewing/Searching Rejection E-mails

To view or search your currently configured rejection e-mails, access the Templates > Rejection E-mails function from the control panel menu. This will display a page where you will be able to see the currently configured rejection e-mails and search them if you wish.

In the table that displays the rejection e-mails, you will find a couple of functions that you can run on a single rejection e-mail. Each of those functions are described below. In addition to running these functions on single rejection e-mails, you can also run the delete function on multiple rejection e-mails at once. To run the delete function, put a check in the checkbox next to the rejection e-mails you want to delete, then press the Delete button at the bottom of the page.

Adding a Rejection E-mail

To add a new rejection e-mail access the Templates > Rejection E-mails function from the control panel menu. This will display your currently configured rejection e-mail. Near the top of the page in the header bar that reads "Rejection E-mails" click on the icon. This will display a popup window where you will be able to enter the data for the new rejection e-mail that you want to add. Each of the form fields are described below. Once you have filled in all of the fields as you want them, press the Add Rejection E-mail button. This will add the new e-mail to the database, and it will be immediately available for use as a rejection e-mail message.

Rejection E-mail Template Values

The template values that are valid for your rejection e-mails depend on what type of item you are processing. When you are adding rejection e-mails it is recommended that you create separate e-mails for account and link rejections, and label each according to their type in the Identifier field so you don't accidentally send a partner rejection message when you reject a gallery. The template values available are: You can find details of the template values that are valid in these templates by viewing the E-mail Templates section of this manual.

Editing a Rejection E-mail

To edit a rejection e-mail you will first need to locate it through the View/Search interface. When you locate the rejection e-mail you want to edit, click on the icon to bring up the rejection e-mail editing interface. This interface is nearly identical to the rejection e-mail addition interface, and has the same form fields with the same properties. You can make the changes that you want, and then press the Update Rejection E-mail button to save your changes.

Deleting a Rejection E-mail

To delete a rejection e-mail you will first need to locate it through the View/Search interface. When you locate the rejection e-mail you want to delete, click on the icon, which will ask you to confirm the deletion.

You can also delete several rejection e-mails at once by putting a check in the box next to the rejection e-mails you want to delete, then pressing the Delete button at the bottom of the page.