Table of Contents

The template wizard will assist you in creating the necessary {galleries} functions to pull galleries from the database and will also generate the {foreach} function to display each of the galleries on your page. This document will cover how to use the template wizard.

Accessing the Template Wizard

To access the template wizard use the TGP Pages > Edit Templates function. This will load the page where you edit your templates. In the header bar of this page that reads TGP Page Templates you can click on the icon to access the template wizard.

Basic Overview

The template wizard is something that will help you to generate the {galleries} and {foreach} commands that you will need to use to pull galleries from the database and display them on your page.

For HTML templates, the wizard will not generate a complete template for you with all of the HTML code that you need for a full page. It is designed to give you the code you need for a specific section of galleries. For example, if you want to quickly generate the template code necessary to display 20 thumbnail galleries on the page, you can use the template wizard. The code that the wizard creates will need to be inserted into your TGP page template code at the location where you want the galleries to appear.

For RSS feed templates, the wizard will generate the complete template for you. You will simply need to copy the entire generated template code and save it for the RSS feed template. Make sure your RSS feed templates have a .xml, .rdf, or .rss file extension!

Remember, you are not limited to a single section of galleries per page; you can have as many sections as you want. Therefore, you can use the wizard multiple times to create all of the template code you will need for your page to pull galleries for each of the sections of galleries that you want to display on the page.

General Options

The General Options section of the template wizard will allow you to conifgure some basic settings for the template functions you will be generating. Each of the settings you can configure are described below. Submitted Gallery Options

This section will allow you to configure the settings that will determine which submitted galleries will be pulled for display in this section. These options will only be available if the submitted gallery percentage is greater than 0. The majority of these options should be self explanitory. Those that require additional explanation are listed below. Permanent Gallery Options

This section will allow you to configure the settings that will determine which permanent galleries will be pulled for display in this section. These options will only be available if the permanent gallery percentage is greater than 0. The options in this section are the same as the Submitted Gallery Options.