Beauvoir was an anal bitch sometimes. She had not wanted her life to go the way it did, but it had and now she was dealing with it in her typical commandeering way. She had met Big John in college and fallen in love at first sight. They began dating, one thing led to another, and she was pregnant by her senior year. Beauvoir went a little crazy then, but when she suggested that an abortion could fix the “problem”, Big John went ballistic and gave her a lesson she would never forget!

Five years and three kids later, her fate was sealed and she was bitter about the loss of the brilliant law career she had left behind. When she went to the mailbox and found a found dog flier inside, she felt a rush of indignation.
“How dare they! It is against federal law to tamper with someone’s mailbox. I’ll show them!” Beauvoir felt the adrenaline rush through her, picking on people for these little trifles was the only way she could get her kicks these days. “Who do they think they are, putting this flier in my mailbox! It is a violation of my privacy, I mean, what if I went through their mail, how would they feel?”
Beauvoir went into the house and set the flier on the table. She had to get dinner on the table and put in a load of laundry so that Big John could not complain that the brats were running around in dirty clothes. She went about her business and it was not until the next day that she came across the flier again.
“Ha! Time to take care of this right now!” She sat down, and dialed the number. It rang four times and an answering machine came on. “Hi, this is Beauvoir. I live up the street. I found a flier asking about some dog in my mailbox and I just wanted to let you know that this is unacceptable! It is illegal to put things in other people’s mailboxes and I would appreciate it if you would never do that again. I am sure that other people in the neighborhood are as upset as I am about this. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that if it happens again, I will have to report you. Goodbye.” Beauvoir slammed the phone down. She had hoped to speak with someone and leaving a message like that had taken the wind out of her sails. Never mind, the brats were asking for something to eat and if she forgot to feed them lunch, Big John would be angry with her.
A couple of hours later, Big John came home and the dog ran to him as usual. He scooped them up and kissed and hugged them.
“Beauvoir, I am not going to tell you again. We need tonight for ourselves, we have much to discuss!” Big John looked straight at her and with that one look; Beauvoir knew she was in for it.
After Big John had left, Beauvoir rushed around the house cleaning, and straightening things. She would not give Big John anything to be angry about when he got home!

It was two hours later when she heard the car pull back into the driveway. She shoved the load of laundry into a basket and hid it under the washtub – out of sight, out of mind! Big John came through the door and called her from the kitchen. Beauvoir ran down the stairs and then walked down the hall slowly, trying to will her heartbeat into a normal rhythm. When she walked into the kitchen she saw an assortment of cuffs and bindings on the table. Thank God! She thought, He is not really angry with me; he just set up a rare night away from the brats! And handcuffs, how kinky! This is going to be fun!
“Beauvoir, I want you to take off all of your clothes and fold them neatly on the table.” She obeyed quickly and a shiver went up her spine in anticipation. Usually she insisted on quick, missionary style sex because she figured that if Big John did not want to have sex with her very often, they could not get pregnant again. If only he would let me take birth control, I would not have to worry so much.
Once she was completely naked, Big John picked up a pair of handcuffs and bound he wrists behind her. He then led her to the back porch and told her to wait. They lived in a rural area and no one would be able to see her from the road, so she sat down on the picnic bench and waited. Soon Big John came back with several lengths of rope, a dog collar and a leash. When he saw her sitting down, he grabbed her roughly by the arm and lifted her up.
“Did I tell you to sit down? No! This is not a pleasure trip for you Beauvoir!” Big John looped a length of rope through her arms and around a hook in the roof of the porch. When he was done she was standing bent over with her arms in the air, her long blonde hair in her face, and her asscheeks spread wide to reveal her already swollen vulva. Beauvoir was beginning to feel fear and wondered why Big John was so angry with her. It was true, she did neglect the children as much as she felt she could get away with, but there was no way that Big John could know that. She always made sure to cover her tracks and get everything done before he got home. Big John put a spreader bar on her ankles and she felt the evening breeze on her pussy, despite her growing trepidation she was becoming turned on.
“Now, Beauvoir, do you have any idea why we are here?”
“Well, let me give you a few clues. I was over at Bill’s house today and he told me that his friend’s puppy had gotten out of the house. You see, Bill was watching the dog for a friend of his who had to go to Iraq, and the poor thing has been trying to escape and get back home for a week. I told him that I had seen a flier on our kitchen counter about a found dog, and knew where the place was. When I stopped to pick the puppy up this afternoon, the woman was overjoyed that someone knew whose dog it was and happily turned him over to me. She also told me that her children were the ones who had taken the pup in and taken pictures and put fliers in other peoples mailboxes. She also told me that some bitch from up the road had left a message on their answering machine that had made her youngest son almost cry. I was curious, Beauvoir, so she played me the message. I think you know what it said. Now, I have one more surprise for you, my dear, so I want you to stand here and think about why it was wrong of you to harass our neighbors while I go get it.” Big John left her tied up on the porch while he went back into the house. Beauvoir had plenty of time to fume while he was away, but never got to the point where she could see anything wrong with what she had done. It is illegal for crying out loud! I was only doing what I thought was right!

Big John came back and she could hear him taking things out of a bag and setting them on the bench behind her. When she tried to turn around and look, however, her arms twisted and pains shot through her arm and shoulders. Finally she could take no more, “Big John, I did not know that I was gonna make someone cry. I just wanted to let them know that they couldn’t mess with our mail like that! I mean, really. How would they feel if I went through their mail?” She tried to reason with him using her own logic. Unfortunately, Big John was a kinder, gentler person than she was and snorted at her words.
“Beauvoir, they did not go through our mail. They rode their bicycles up and down the street and put fliers in all of the mailboxes. Do you really think they took the time to look through everybody’s mail? Besides, they are children; they couldn’t care less about everybody’s bills! Obviously, I have not had much impact on you. I knew you were a hardass in school, but I thought that the years and the times would mellow you out. I was wrong. Well, we are going to find out if you can teach an old dog new tricks!” Big John chose a paddle from the instruments he had laid on the bench and took aim.
“Big John, be reasona…..” WHACK “Big John! Ow!” SMACK “I don’t …” WHACK! The third strike was the hardest and she could do nothing but scream. Big John was just getting started.
Over and over again, the paddle found its mark, Beauvoir strained at her bindings, but if she moved her arms it hurt, and her legs were spread so far apart that she could not move them without hurting her arms. Her ass was on fire and Big John just kept swinging.
WHACK SMACK Then a little lower. POP SMACK POP
Finally, Big John stopped. Beauvoir was bawling now, her hair stuck to her face with the tears and going into her mouth. She tried to spit it out but the tears and snot just kept coming and the next breath brought more hair with it. Big John chose an old riding crop next. He could see that the paddle had done its job and Beauvoir entire bottom was a rosy red color. Now for a few stripes …
By now, Beauvoir was incoherent. The tears and the snot and her hair all mixed together in a matted mess. She sobbed and twisted, uncaring of the pain in her arms, which was nothing compared to the pain on her ass. Meanwhile, Big John admired his handiwork. Thick welts now rose from her bottom, crisscrossing the cheeks and turning dark purple. Despite the mess of her face, her ass and pussy looked inviting. He ran his fingers over the stripes and ran the crop up between her legs. She winced when he touched her ass, but when the crop made its way between her pussy lips she gasped and sagged weakly. Beauvoir prayed that it was all over, that he would untie her so she could go pour cold water on her ass. But it was not meant to be …
Big John picked up the last thing from his small arsenal. It was a wicked looking thing, sort of like a cat o’ nine tails, except for it had big wooden beads attached to five long strips of stiff leather. Looking at it, and then back at her ass, Big John almost took pity on her and put the thing down, but just as he did, a dog barked joyfully in the distance and his resolve hardened. He took careful aim and ZING!
One of the beads opened up one of the stripes and a trickle of blood appeared.

Two more strikes and Big John saw the blood. He was instantly contrite, but Beauvoir did not need to know that! She was breathless and wheezing now, beyond speaking. Big John cut the rope that held her arms up and she fell to her knees. Now that she was completely bent over, he could see her pussy in its full glory. Wetness ran down her slit onto her legs and he could see that one touch would send her into an orgasm. He did not want that … for now. He took off the spreader bar and helped her to her feet, then picked her up and walked to the pool in the yard and dumped her into it. The chilly water hit her burning ass like a thousand blows and she cried out as she tried to flip over with her hands behind her back. Big John lifted her out and led her back into the house, dripping. He led her upstairs to the bathroom and unlocked her handcuffs. He told her to take a shower but under no circumstances was she to touch her pussy. He stood outside the shower as she cleaned the snot out of her hair and then carefully toweled her off. He led her to the big bed and told her to lie on her stomach until he came back. As soon as he left the room, she moved over to the mirror that took up the entire closet door and twisted to look at her ass. She gasped when she saw what he had done! The entire thing was red, but the welts stood out like the purple stripes on Big Johns’s favorite shirt. The bead marks were like polka dots all over her cheeks and the spots where they had broken open the welts were livid red. Beauvoir heard Big John on the stairs and dove for the bed just in time!
“Beauvoir, I want you to know that I am only trying to make you understand. You cannot go through life with a chip on your shoulder! I know that all of this has probably been quite a shock to you, but that is my fault, not yours. Know this, from now on, we will not argue. I will not yell at you, will not plead with you, and never again will I storm from this house to get away from your termagant mouth. From now on, when I have a problem with the way you do things, you will get one warning. One! Then you will be punished, perhaps not as severely as this one, but we will work that out as we go along. I want you to know that I love you. You are the light of my life, the mother of my children. From now on, you will not have to wonder how I will react to one of your outbursts, you will know.” While he was speaking he rubbed a nice cube on her bottom to soothe her. The melting water ran deliciously down into her crack and onto her swollen pussy lips. Beauvoir began to squirm again, this time with urgency. Big John spread her legs and slid the ice down her slit onto the protruding flesh. When the sharp end of the ice cube scraped her clit, Beauvoir jumped and moaned.
“Get up on your knees now, baby. I’ll take care of you.” While Beauvoir struggled to her knees, Big John stood and took off his own clothes. Then he went for her pussy with his mouth, sliding his tongue up and down her slit. She wiggled her ass and moaned when he put his hand on her ass to hold her still. The mix of pain and pleasure quickly sent her over the edge and she squealed out a climax. Big John was not done. Her jiggling cheeks just served to engorge his cock beyond anything he had experienced and with a primal growl; he drove into her sopping hole. She bucked when the rough texture of his pubic hair rubbed her aching ass. Over and over he plunged into her until her was ready to come. Big John reached around to finger her clit in rough circular motions. A few moments later they were screaming together and both collapsed at the same time. Beauvoir bucked in pleasurable agony as his weight pressed against her ass and finally wiggled out form beneath him. Big John grabbed her and hugged her close as they both lay there, breathing deeply.
“Beauvoir, tomorrow I want you to sit down, on your ass, and write those guys a letter of apology. Then we will both go down to their house with some ice cream and you will sit there and read it to them. Understand?” He ran his hand over the welts on her ass and gave it a little pat that made her gasp.
“Yes, sir.”
And that was all she wrote … for now