Separating BS From Fact When it Comes to Hot Milfs
One of the most common topics in the world of adult dating that get’s a lot of bullshit attention is the concept of hot milfs. All sorts of guys come up with all sorts of conclusions regarding hot milfs. They differ on what hot milfs look like and how to define a milf. For some fine MILF examples check out

They differ on how to approach them, they differ on how to deal with them. There’s a lot of differences here and a lot of that differences can actually be traced to bullshit assumptions. Seriously. There’s a lot of mythology surrounding the whole concept of hot milfs.
The most common is the assumption that just because a woman is older, her value depreciates. In other words, society as a whole is geared towards young, hot, single women. We’re talking about women under 30. The idea is that once a woman gets past 30, her sexual value goes off a cliff. This is complete and total bullshit. Seriously.
Why? From a purely qualitative and physical level, hot milfs actually appreciate in value. Why? There’s less emotional drama and bullshit involved. You don’t have to jump through so many hoops to hook up with a hot milf as compared to a tender college chick 18 and above. In fact, it doesn’t even come close. Hot milfs have been around the block. They know how the game works.
They’re not looking for love, they’re not looking any emotional attachment, they’re not looking for unnecessary drama. They’re just looking for hot sex. Why? They are able to achieve multiple back to back orgasms. In other words, the sex that you have with hot milfs is a pure experience. It’s all about hot, nasty, sticky, sweaty, smelly, relentless sex. You can’t beat that with a baseball bat.