Funny how things work out sometimes. A guy can try and try to hook up with a gal and nothing…then relax and mind your own business and it drops in your lap just like that.

This incident was like that, I was out at the beach with a few friends, one of those too damned hot days. So we were sitting in the shade afforded by some rocks, at least the sand wasn’t burning our feet.
There was this little bleached blonde named Jenifer Jane, I had spent about half the damn day hitting on her from every direction I could think of.
I was getting nowhere. She was hot, skinny waist with round butt cheeks, nice bust just right to fill out her bikini top and balance the package.
There was this one guy I knew, his name was Gordon. He was OK too look at, bit of a tummy on him, my size, 6′ and around 200. Gordon is one of those guys who will ask to “Borrow” but his spelling of the word is “give.” Top it off with a snarly superior attitude and you get the picture.
Yet he did have a date which was rare for our bunch, we nearly always just hit the beach and went to work on what was available.
On this day the pickings were slim, just Jenifer Jane and 2 other gals there, for the 6 of us guys. Plus Gordon’s date, she was just one point short of spectacular. A medium build brunette, I noticed her right off because when she took off her loose pullover, she had on a pair of baggy shorts and a halter top that looked like it was just about to fall off.
Of course that got my attention, being young and male and all.
The other two gals weren’t anything that interested me, the one had a fanny that was bigger than mine, large lumpy legs, the other one was older and overly skinny, 35 or so.
So Jenifer Jane, the blonde was the target for the day.
Like I said, I was getting nowhere, neither was any of the other guys. George, our resident “grab anything left over” guy had settled in on the chubby one, and Davy was yapping away with the older gal about cooking for God’s sake. Joe Hardy, (we called him “Den-den because he was a drummer) and Hugo, our resident Mexican had wandered off in search of more beer.
I was starting to think it might be time to score some new friends when I heard Gordon snarl, “Fix your top, Anna!”
I glanced over and she was standing there, the loose top had slipped far enough that the top half of one nipple was peeking out.
She reached up and tugged on the strap, glaring at Brian O´Mally saying, “My name is Anastasia Knight!”
“Whatever.” He dismissed her with a wave and a dirty look. She looked pissed as Gordon then headed off towards the water.
She looked at me, still looking upset, I smiled.
She smiled back.
Enough for me, I grabbed the two last cold ones and headed her way, offering her one. She took it and tipped it back, dumping about half the bottle.
Her arm came back down, top slipped back down, right nipple popped up in view.
“Your top slipped again, Anastasia Knight.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry on my account!” I offered my best evil grin as her nipple, showing some signs of crinkling up vanished from view.
A soft smile cross her face, she patted the blanket.
“Join me?”
I plopped down across from her, she sat crosslegged. We started to chat about everything under the Sun, her schooling, her broken car. (That was how she met Gordon, he worked at an auto shop)

I listened, as she rattled on her top would move slightly as her arms moved. Every movement was a bit lower, in short order the tops of both breasts were bare. Plus the way she was sitting, the legs of her baggy shorts splayed out, I could see all the way up, only the shadow from the sun was keeping me from knowing what color panties she had on.
I was trying to not appear like I was sneeking peeks, (like that was working) but my eyes kept dropping to that dark shadow.
Just then the top half of one nipple slipped into view again.
Right on schedule, here came Gordon. He was pointedly displaying angry body language as he approached.
“Fuck!” she said in a low voice only I could hear.
“What the HELL are you doing, Anna?” his voice was snarly, upset.
“I am sitting here talking to Dan. Why?”
“Well, I could see your tits from clear across the beach!” he almost shouted.
“They are my BREASTS, my name is CATHERINE, and there is nothing wrong with them, this is a GODDAM beach!”
“Anna….” his voice trailed off.
“Get lost, Gordon.”
“But I brought you, how are you…?” his voice went into a whining note.
“I will manage.”
Gordon glared at her, then me. I wasn’t the least worried, I had muscles in the places that were soft on his body, and he knew that.
He turned and stomped off muttering, “Bitch.” as he walked away.

I just shrugged. Anastacia Knight and I went back to chatting. I will admit I was still hoping to find out what was in the dark shadow up the legs of her shorts, and she quit bothering to pull up her top after that.
I noticed it was starting to cool off, the Sun was getting low. George and Davy had vanished with the two gals. Joe Hardy and Hugo never did come back, nothing new there. They either met some ladies or were off playing pool somewhere.
There was just Anastacia Knight and me, I had spotted Gordon chatting up the blonde a few hundred yards away. She seemed to be liking it too, go figure.
“We better…” I said, starting to get up.
“Can you give me a lift? I seem to have lost mine.”
I had planned on that, we got to my old Camaro and I held the door for her. She sat down, reached for the seat belt, clipped it. By the time I got into the driver’s side she was sitting there with one tit in plain view.
“Your top is slipping, Anastacia Knight.” The understatement of the century, her whole breast was out.
I reached over and slipped the cloth back up into place, she leaned my way as I did so, I kissed her. She welcomed it, kissed me back. I let the palm of my hand cradle her right breast, rewarded with a sigh and more feverish activity of her mouth on mine.
I leaned back, started the car. She gave me her address, I hesitated, it was a good 50 miles the wrong direction. Not that I minded, I didn’t want to wait.
“Or we could go to your place?” I nodded… 3 miles.
I think I used all 280 horses hitting the freeway, then the offramp, pulled up at my apartment complex.
We walked fast towards the door, I fumbled with the keys, got it open, shut behind us. I saw the old lady who lives two doors down out fiddling with her plants, she gave me a big shit-eating grin.

I wanted to laugh at that but Anastacia Knight piled into my arms, mouth finding mine, my hands wrapped around her lower back, pulling her to me.
Then she reached behind her back, tripped the catch on her halter top, breasts sprang free. Instantly buried in my face. She had been teasing me all day, knew it.
Her baggy shorts slid down and off with just a bit of encouragement of my hands, I saw what the dark shadow I had seen before was. It was all her, the heavy mass of pubic hair was untouched by any blade.
I was in her in a rush, she was rushing too, we both were sweating and struggling to join and pound away at each other.
As I felt myself slide between her wet lips and inside, she let out a long groan, “Oh my God it’s so big!” the rest was just gutteral grunts.
I felt her hips jam up at me, she orgasmed as I let go myself, no stopping or slowing at all.
We rested, I reached for her and began to play, inspect her. I got down and teased her labia, opening her to my gaze, feeling the new flood of wet as she lay there and allowed my probing.
Then she sat up, grasped my rapidly firming erection. She pulled, gently at first, them more firmly as my foreskin rolled back, exposing the head.
“There is is!” she said, in almost a singsong voice, then she inspected me. Finally she turned around and we lay side by side. I entered her and we began a long slow session, each of us taking our time, delighting in the shared sensations.
Then we rested again.
“I love teasing men, it makes them so hard!”
“Well, that was fun today.”
“Just looking at my boobies gets guys going, huh?”
“Yea..well, it does for’s kinda naughty that way.”
“Gordon got all mad if I let someone see them.”
“I noticed that.”
“But Gordon does like to lick my pussy…”
I took that as a hint.
“Me, too…”
I rolled her onto her back, began to lick and nuzzle my way up her legs, higher and higher. I could look up and watch her face, her eyes began to flutter as I got closer and closer, finally stroking the length of her slit with the flat of my tongue. I felt the tight little button, flicked it over and over as she burst into moans.
It didn’t take long before she shuddered and pulled away, the sensations becoming to strong.
With dreamy eys, she smiled at me.
“Return the favor?”
Her mouth opened and settled on me, she lifted off for a second, said, “Yours will barely fit!” then she covered me again.
I remembered for a long time after that to never call her Anna.
See more Anastacia Knight nude photos in Teen Blondes Double Blowjob