Joe had recently developed an enthusiasm for magic. It had begun with juggling, progressed to card tricks, and had now reached its culmination in an acute Houdini complex. He had drafted Mistress Rouge, his girlfriend of six months, as his assistant, and they had been practicing for about a week. Each time he learned how to get out of a new knot he would summon Mistress Rouge and have her try it on him. Unfortunately, Mistress Rouge was not especially good with knots, and it took her a while to learn each new one, especially as they became more complex. She would often mis-tie
them, so that they were easy as pie to slip out of, or much too
difficult. Joe, though basically a sweet guy, had very little
patience, and would sometimes lose his temper.

He had been especially impatient today. It was Saturday
afternoon, Memorial Day Weekend, and some friends were coming over
in the evening for drinks. Joe and Mistress Rouge were going to
surprise them with a little act that he had thought up. Mistress Rouge would
tie him up and he would escape. To add drama, Mistress Rouge was to announce
that every five minutes, if Joe couldn’t escape, she’d add
still more rope. During their practice sessions they had used
intervals of up to half an hour, but by now they had both become
quite proficient, and Joe was generally able to escape within
five minutes. The standing rule during these practice sessions
was that Mistress Rouge would give him as much time as he needed- she was
never to untie him herself. So far he had never needed her help.
“Let’s call it quits”, Joe said, “I think we’ve got it
down pat”.
Mistress Rouge looked at him with a gleam in her eye- “One more time.
I need to try once more. I think you do too.”
Joe hesitated. He was tired. But she seemed so definite
about it that he shrugged and knelt down. Soon she had him trussed
up in their standard position- kneeling with his chest pressed
against his knees in a balled position, hands behind his back.
The secret to the escape was the wrist knots. Mistress Rouge would tie
his hands just close enough so that he could pick at the left knot
with the fingers of his right hand, and vice versa. But as he
tried this now, he found that he couldn’t do it. Mistress Rouge had tied his
hand just slightly too far apart. Several times he was able to
catch hold of the opposing knots, but then they’d slip from his
grasp. It was most frustrating.
Joe clucked his tongue in annoyance. How could she be
so incompetant? They’d been practicing all morning and she’d tied
the wrists perfectly; now, this last time, they were just beyond
his grasp. He resolved not to give up, though, and spent a good
few minutes trying futilely to catch the wrist cords in his
fingers. He had almost done it when Mistress Rouge shouted “Time!” and
bounded over to his side. But to his surprise, instead of adding
some more rope, Mistress Rouge stuffed a ball gag into his mouth. He started
to shove it out with his tongue, but she pressed it in with her
fingers and buckled the strap securely around his head. He stared
at her in amazement.
“It’s my own idea!”, Mistress Rouge said brightly, “When you get into
trouble I’ll just add a gag- it looks dramatic but won’t make
things harder for you to get out of. And, it seems like you’re
having some trouble just now.” And she hugged herself in delight.
“That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard of”, said Joe, or
at any rate he tried to. It came out more like “hmrggummel…
mmmoooommmph!”. Then he noticed that Mistress Rouge was looking at her
watch, so he went to work again on the wrist knots. Once again,
just as he had almost gotten them Mistress Rouge yelled “Time!” and was at
his side. She dangled some white kid gloves in front of his face.
“Gloves!”, she squealed. “White Gloves! All the best
magicians have them. They’re so elegant. I was going to give them
to you as a present, but I may as well put them on you now…
Oh!”. She looked at his fingers, which were still frantically
scrabbling at the wrist knots. “Naughty, naughty” she murmured,
and gently pulled his wrists apart. He resisted. “I SAID, naughty
NAUGHTY!”… and she pulled a little more forcefully, until his
fingers were forced from the opposing wrist knots. “I haven’t
started the clock again”.
She soon had his hands encased in the gloves. “NOW, start”.
And she sat back on the couch, folded her arms, and smiled,
watching his struggles. There was no way Joe could manage the
wrist knots with gloves on his hands. He tried for a while, but
it was no use. Muffled sounds issued from his gagged mouth:
“Mmmmmph!!… Hmmm..arrgle!”. He was trying to tell Mistress Rouge that he
was absolutely, unequivocally stuck, but the gag was too effective.
In desperation, he bounced up and down, trying to loosen the knots.
But, if anything, they only got tighter, and he only got more
exhausted. After a while, Mistress Rouge again called time.
This time she added more bondage. Again he struggled. Again
Mistress Rouge called time and added more bondage. After a couple of rounds
of this, Joe was so heavily bound that all he could do was
wiggle his (gloved) fingers and shake his head a little. Aside
from that he couldn’t move a muscle. Well, almost. The muscles
of his arms, back and legs and rippled and trembled as he exerted
himself mightily, though that could only be partly discerned
through his heavy bondage. In fact, inside his bonds, Joe was
struggling like crazy. He was flexing his muscles, pulling and
straining, trying to loosen the knots even slightly. He was also
yelling and screaming, cursing and threatening. But all that could
be observed was a movement of the fingers, a trembling of the
muscles, and muffled mumbles from the gag. The sound of his heavy
breathing could also be heard from his nostrils.
“You’re not even trying!”, Mistress Rouge said. She giggled a little.
“Don’t just lie there, sweetie, get to work!”. She playfully began
to tickle him (wherever she could get through the bondage). “Come
on… Come on… Let’s go!”. As she tickled, the was little if any
discernible reaction from Joe. But a careful observer might
have noticed that his muscle-flexing changed to trembling, and the
sounds coming from his gag changed. Strange barking sounds now
began to issue from Joe’s mouth. He tried to bounce his way
away from her, but she grabbed hold of him by a rope with one hand
and tickled with the other. “Hmm.. you don’t seem very ticklish
today at all. Generally you laugh like crazy!”, Mistress Rouge said, and she
tickled him even harder. “And quit barking at me, for God’s
sake!”. As she continued, the barks grew weaker and weaker, until
the only sound issuing from the gag was a gurgling murmur”.
After a bit Mistress Rouge sat back on her heels. Joe now made some
begging noises through his gag, shaking his head violently from
side to side (or as violently as the bondage permitted). “Don’t
worry, Sweetheart”, Mistress Rouge cooed, “I won’t untie you… I’ll give you
every chance to escape on your own, no matter how long it takes.”
She stroked his cheek with her fingers put her arm around him and
kissed the back of his neck very very softly. A long drawn-out
groan issued from the gag. By now he was completely motionless;
even the mild trembling of his exertions within his bondage had
She abruptly patted him on the shoulder. “Listen, I’m really
beat. I’m going to take a quick shower. Our guests will be here
in a few hours. In the meantime, you quit goofing off!”. And she
poked him gently with her toe.
When she was finished with her shower, Mistress Rouge sauntered into
the living room only to find Joe gone. She glanced around.
“Joe! Where did you get to?”. Then she saw him. He had
somehow inched his way to the apartment door and was softly butting
his head against it over and over.
“What on earth are you doing?”. Mistress Rouge dragged Joe away from
the door and into the bedroom. His inert weight slid quite easily
along the waxed wooden floor. She shut the bedroom door. “What
a thing to do… well, since you’re feeling energetic again, what
say we add a little more rope?” She looked him over. There wasn’t
really room to add much of anything.
“I’ve got it!”, Mistress Rouge cried. She rummaged in the closet and
returned with a single-glove sheath that fit over the arms. She
untied the many knots around Joe’s arms, keeping his wrists
tied together. As she placed the sheath around his arms, Joe,
able for the first time in hours to move something aside from his
fingers, waved his bound-together behind his back, resisting as
best he could. Mistress Rouge forced his arms into the glove, gently but
quite firmly. “Naughty, naughty!” she said, as she swatted his
rear-end with a couple of play-spanks. “That’s not in the rules.
Just for that, I’ve got something that’ll take some of the starch
right out of you.” She grabbed a leather waist-cincher and fitted
it around his middle as best she could. She braced her knee
against his back as she tightened it and fastened the straps. This
caused Joe to make the loudest sounds he had made yet through
the gag. “Stop with the weird sounds”, Mistress Rouge said, “I can’t
understand a word of what you’re saying and they’re really weird.”
Mistress Rouge continued to tighten the waist-cincher. With each
tightening of the straps a little puff of air was forced from
Joe’s nostrils and tickled Mistress Rouge’s as she bent over him.
Once again Mistress Rouge sat back on her ankles and observed her
handiwork. With the cincher on him, even the motion of Joe’s
breathing had been reduced; it could still be observed, but you had
to look closely. Other than that, Joe was completely
motionless. Mistress Rouge tickled him until he started trembling again- all
she could observe was a slight shaking in the arms- the single-
glove now checked all other movement. Mistress Rouge added a strap to
eliminate even that small motion. She tickled him some more,
pausing to add a little something extra each time she observed some
movement. Finally, when Joe was virtually immobile, she took
a short rest.
Inside his bonds, Joe had resumed struggling. Beads of
sweat formed on his body. He strained and struggled with all of
his might, but he was totally immobilized. The worst of it was the
waist-cincher. Even when he relaxed its pressure was unrelenting.
In desperation he flexed his stomach muscles, trying to pop it off.
But the cincher was stronger than he was, and maintained its tight,
unrelenting hug. Exhausted, he rested a bit. But regardless of
whether he struggled or rested, the bonds continued to hold him,
and the cincher continued to squeeze him in its embrace.
And regardless of whether he struggled or rested, the result was
the same- he was still as a statue.
Mistress Rouge herself was tired; she had collapsed across his back and
lay for a while almost as motionless as he. But she soon roused
herself and looked at her watch.
“Omigosh! Our guests will be here in an hour.” She looked at
Joe reprovingly. “Look, I’m not going to tie all that stuff onto
you again. Why don’t you stay that way until after the party
starts; we’ll skip the tying-up and you can just go straight into
your escape routine. OK?”
Joe responded with something that sounded like
– “I’ll take that as a ‘Yes’.”
Mistress Rouge now poured herself a glass of water. As she gulped it
down, she looked at Joe.
“Are you thirsty, Sweetie?”, she asked, “would you like a
drink?”. Joe responded with eagerness-noises. Mistress Rouge bent down
and started to undo some of the knots on ropes she had added over
the gag.
“This is ridiculous… wait! I’ve got a better idea…”
Joe groaned as Mistress Rouge stopped working on the knot she was
untying and grabbed a length of plastic tubing connected to a
funnel. She slipped one end of the tube through a hole in the
middle of the ball-gag (Joe had wondered what that hole was
for), and taped it fast. She stood up and held the funnel end,
pouring water from her glass into it. Joe had started making
furious barking noises as soon as he saw what she was about to do,
but they ceased abruptly as soon as the water began to cascade into
his throat. He began to gulp furiously. He WAS thirsty, of
course, but that was beside the point- it was either gulp or drown.
After the last drop vanished, Mistress Rouge asked him if he wanted some
more. He responded with “marrrgle! mmmmmph!”.
– “I’ll take that as a yes”, Mistress Rouge replied, and funneled him
another glass. Once again, Joe’s mumbles were abruptly
silenced and replaced by gulping sounds.
Although Mistress Rouge couldn’t have known it, Joe’s bladder was
painfully full. He had had no opportunity to relieve himself, and
the two glasses of water had put him right over the edge. He had
been fighting it for a while, but now, against his will, a slight
trickle of pee escaped him and formed a little puddle on the floor.
- "Joe!!", cried Mistress Rouge, "I cannot believe you did that!".
She struggled to unzip his fly through his bondage, and then fit
a rubber tube over his penis. She threaded the other end of the
tube into the hole in his ball-gag and taped it in place.
– “There”, she said, “Now pee all you want- at least you
won’t make a mess!”.
Joe now emitted the strangest sounds he had yet made. He
bucked and strained so hard that he actually was able to rock his
way around the room. His bladder was still almost full, but he
could only relieve the pressure at a very particular cost. The
tubing remained securely in place, and eventually he calmed down.
His motionlessness resumed, punctuated by a brief trembler every
couple of minutes.
The minute hand of the clock on the wall slowly inched its way
around, and eventually the guests began to arrive. Mistress Rouge ministered
to them as they filled the livingroom in singles and in pairs.
When the appropriate moment arrived, Mistress Rouge whisked away a blanket
that had been covering pile of something or other in the corner of
the room. That something or other was Joe.
“TA DA!”, she cried.
The guests stared at Joe in amazement. He made a few
“mmmmmph” noises but otherwise remained still. Mistress Rouge glanced at
him anxiously and poked him with her toe”.
“Hey!”, she whispered, “c’mon… they’re all watching…”.
Joe did not move.
Suddenly someone at the far end of the room started clapping.
It was Dina, who lived in the same apartment complex, and who had
dated Joe briefly a year earlier. She was applauding
enthusiastically. Then the rest of the room joined her, bursting
into wild applause. Mistress Rouge looked around in surprise, then smiled
and curtsied.
Later, after the rest of the guests left, Dina stayed behind
to help Mistress Rouge straighten up.
“It looks like Joe was quit a crowd-pleaser”, she told
Mistress Rouge.
“Well, yeah, but this isn’t what he had in mind… his Houdini
routine is a total flop.” And she bent down and started to undo
the knots imprisoning him.
“Wait”, said Dina, “Don’t do that! I’ll be back in a flash”.
She left the apartment and returned shortly with a book.
“Did you know that the Guinness Book of Records says that the
longest period anyone has remained tied up is less than a week?”
Why not go for it?”
Mistress Rouge smiled.