Arab wife Persia Monir engages in a bet with her black husband. Of course its a loss. The reward is a hard spanking.
Persia Monir & Mark Anthony were the type of people everyone would go to if they needed help. They were the rocks in people’s lives, they were strong, independent, good people with one downfall….they’re both stubborn as hell!
Persia Monir is a strong do everything herself kind of person since birth, it was quite a site to see when someone messed with her because she stood all of 5’1 and 130 lbs. Regardless of her size she always stood her ground. Persia Monir always voiced her opinion and wasn’t affraid to offend anyone. She just had a lot to say.
Mark Anthony on the other hand was 6’3, 175, a bulky black stud and quite a quiet dude. He never got angry but could still hold his own. Mark Anthony’s a sweetheart, one of those guys you could never picture hurting a fly.
So when the two met each other it was meant to be – strong-willed opposites who just loved each others company. They live a happy life together alone – each working and supporting each other. To the outside world they would seem like the perfect storybook couple…but on the inside it’s a whole different story.
Persias Spanking Bet

“Babe, let’s make a bet.” Persia Monir cooed on a Saturday afternoon.
“Are you sure you want to do that?” Mark Anthony responded knowing her request was going to be off the wall.
“Yes, or else I wouldn’t of said it. Okay, soooo let’s make a bet….here’s my side of the deal. You do whatever I say for 8 minutes straight.” She replied, trying to hide her excitment.
“….whatever you say? huh?”
“yup babe, whatever i say and YOU HAVE TO DO IT.”
Persia Monir was seething with excitment now, there was no hiding it and Mark Anthony could see right through it.
“Alright, but…for my side of the deal I get to spank you for 16 minutes, double yours.”
“WHAT? how is that fair?” Persia Monir questioned.
“You get to do whatever you want……i just get to spank you.”. The spanking continues
“..alright but only if it’s with your hand and over my shorts.”
“nope, not happening…..”
“COME ON YOU BIG PUSSY!” Persia Monir taunted. Mark Anthony was not having it.
“FINE but if you try and block me or stand up …even once I get to use any implement I want & take down your shorts and underwear!”
Persia Monir thought to herself, “well it’s only 16 minutes with his hand….i’ll be fine.”
“OKAY, let’s do it.”
Losing The Bet
Persia Monir set the clock and as soon as it started she knew exactly how she was going to get her man. He was always acting tough and took any oppourtunity to let Persia Monir know he was stronger than her – not to make her feel bad but to show that she couldn’t always be the boss. Oh boy was she gonna get him this time!
She pulled out her make-up bag and you should of see Mark Anthony’s face. It was as if Persia Monir stabbed him.
She grabbed his hand and smiled as if to say, “HAHAHA I’M GON GET YA!” Pulled out her blue, pink, and purple nail polishes and got painting.
She was having so much fun she didn’t even realize that 6 of her 7 minutes were already up.
“Damn. Alright babe, tell me who’s boss?” She said full of satisfaction.
“you are.” Mark Anthony grunted.
The alarm clock went off….she was out of time……..
Mark Anthony’s face lit up…..”oh girl, you’re in for it now.”
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Persia Monir Gets Spanked

Those words made her shudder…….”I hope this was worth it.” Mark Anthony said, feeling more confident as he wiped off the polish.
Mark Anthony set the alarm clock and said, “get over the bed.”
“what? with now pillow? NO.”
“i’m only going to say it one more time….bend over the end of the bed now or else.”
Persia Monir couldn’t help it, she had a fierce attitude and wasn’t about to give it up – even in the face of danger.
“OR ELSE WHAT YOU PUNK.”. The spanking is inevitable.
“GIRL ARE YOU CRAZY?” Mark Anthony yelled as he grabbed her by the arm and shoved her over the end of the bed.
“that’s better.” he added as he reset the alarm clock due to the time Persia Monir was wasting…stalling from the inevitable.
She knew she was in for it but was sure she could somehow pursuade him to be a little less harsh. So she turned her head slowly and gently and batted those little puppy dog eyes but Mark Anthony was unfazed. One glaze to his half wiped off nail polish and he was on a mission…a mission to teach her a lesson.
“Oh lord, Persia Monir thought as the first spank landed on her plump bottom over her black shorts.”
There wasn’t even going to be a warm-up ….Mark Anthony wasn’t wasting any of his time with this one. He was going to teach her who was really boss.
SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. Ten hard spanks and still only in the first minute….Persia Monir couldn’t watch the clock because she knew it would only seem to tease and taunt her and Mark Anthony got revenge on her bottom.
Spanking Her Continues
SPANK, SPANK, SPANK “owww” Persia Monir let out a small sound which only intrigued Mark Anthony. See, Persia Monir didn’t want to seem weak and would try to cover her sounds no matter what. Mark Anthony wanted just the opposite – so he figured he needed a plan to hear how well his lesson was going.
SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SPANK, SPANK, SPANK, SMACK, SMACK 10 more ..but this time all on the same spot, over and over. It was as if he had a bullseye on her rear end and was hitting 50 points every time.
Persia Monir started to wiggle….and now Mark Anthony knew exactly how to teach. He would have to repeat the lesson over and over until she got it.
SMACK SMACK SPANK SPANK SMACK SMACK SPANK To the same spot until Persia Monir let out an “OWW”. Oh, lee was starting to get amused since this was only the 3rd time he’d spanked her.
He kept spanking her in the same spot over and over and over until Persia Monir felt like her left side was going to explode! She did it. Stood up and pushed backward as to grind her burning bottom into his groin.
She turned around and smiled and tried to persuade him but Mark Anthony wasn’t having it!
“I warned you.” He said with satisfaction glowing with each of his words. “Bend over the bed.”
Red Ass – Interracial Spanking

“NO!” was the only thing Persia Monir got out before he shoved her down and reached for her shorts.
In one yank they were down. Persia Monir painicked she NEEDED that extra protection so she shoved backwards with all her might and threw Mark Anthony off balance…but only for a short moment. He immediatly regained control and had her back down.
“Oh boy” she said sarcastically.
“Always with that attitude huh?” lee questioned. Of course this question didn’t require a response but being the strong-will sarcastic person Persia Monir answered, “You bet and it’s not going ANYWHERE.”
Mark Anthony just laughed. This really meant Persia Monir should be concerned when all of her thoughts were shot with one loud CRACK of the wooden paddle. It was as if a bomb had gone off in her rear – she didn’t know what to do but really she had no choice but to let out a large “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”.
“Sounds like you’re learning.” Mark Anthony gloated.
CRACKKKKKKKKKKKK another blinding shot of pain rushed to her rear.
Want to try out a spanking event or an evening at a fetish club? Try out the Kinky Etiquette and First Timers Guide to Fetish Clubs at BDSM Files
Persia Paddled and Pleased
Wow, Mark Anthony was amazed. He had never spanked her with the paddle before and had never heard her beg. It did not amuse him but he was starting to feel slightly guilty so he decided she needed 3 more with the paddle before changing implements.
He didn’t say anything to her but already had it planned out.
“You’re gonna WHAT?” Mark Anthony emphasized the “what” with his last crack of the paddle.
Mark Anthony almost took pity on his lil girl but he only had 3 minutes off so he decided he was going to finnish it off with the belt.
The alarm went off but Persia Monir didn’t get up – she laid there and composed herself then continued to turn around and smack Mark Anthony.
sigh “You’ll never learn will you woman?”
See more Persia Monir Fetish Sex pictures at The Fetish Guide. Plenty more fun with the kinky Iranian wife and her black lover!