Now I wouldn’t quite consider myself a gamer, but I do love flipping on the Xbox for some Forza action and even the Switch for any good ol’ Mario adventure. I can’t say I’m huge on the Twitch scene, I think I flipped it on once to see if there […]
When deep fake meets TikTok
Let’s be brutally honest Most bloggers are 100% full of shit, and I’ll tell you why Every new latest bit of news, every hot trend, every piece of juicy gossip, suddenly every blogger in the world is an expert and “knew from the beginning how hot this would be!” I’m […]
It’s not all about sex…
Okay, okay, so maybe I lied, it IS always about sex! But sometimes you find it in the strangest places… As of late, I’ve been on my Hentai porn quest and I have to admit, I’m having way more fun than I ever expected. Tinder and the like is where […]
Words I never thought I’d say…
You’ve been reading my rambling for a while now, and you know just as well as I do, that I’ll write out pretty much whatever I damn well feel like. Whatever is on my mind. Whether it’s my history of talking with AOL sex bots, or my good buddies first […]
Cartoons just aren’t like they used to be!
Bandwagon jumping has never really been my thing. You know, the “latest and greatest” gadget comes out and everyone jumps for joy for a whopping week before they are on to the next thing. AI would be a fun current event example. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not naysaying […]
As if VR porn games just aren’t enough…
The other day I told you my little story about slaying a dragon in Skyrim, then discovering you can play Skyrim on VR, but I don’t have a PlayStation so I had to settle for VR porn games, right? If not, go check it out quick so you are up-to-date […]
Dig deeper to find the best gems
Yes, I’m a fan of Tinder. Yes, I’m a fan of Bumble. And yes, I’m even known to frequent the ol’ Craigs List from time to time. But you know what? As great as they all are, and as much pussy that I pull from each and every one of […]
How to chat with women like a pro
You’ve read me writing about this before so it should come as absolutely no surprise to you that I LOVE women. I’m guessing you do, too. But unlike a lot of guys, I actually like talking to them! And of course other things… But what I’ve learned over the years, […]
When VR dragons just aren’t enough
Lately I have really been getting into Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Yes, yes, I know they might be “yesterday’s news” but let’s be frank, they are both totally bad ass games and I just love playing them The crafting, the fighting, the level ups, the companions that help you along […]
When Tinder just isn’t cutting it
You might remember the tale of my buddy Scotty “getting action” for the first time… Well, a quick refresher. It wasn’t “action” in the sense of getting his peepee played with by a cute member of the opposite sex. No, it was Scotty playing with his peepee while his friend […]
Lovely surprise found in Cali
Growing up in the Midwest (yes, corn and cows) there is not much for variety in the ethnic sense on the female front. It’s white, white, a little more white, then another shade of white. And don’t get me wrong, I love the milky white big titted farmhand as much […]
Damsel in distress, not so much
You may not have guessed it (or if you can actually read it’s kind of a no-brainer) but I really like comics I’m not the Sheldon Cooper kind of comic nerd, but I’ve got my favorites. Yes, Bruce Wayne. Yes, Tony Stark. And as much as I love the Nolan […]